Interested in learning a little bit more?
In every way that politics itself can be intimidating and overwhelming, so can figuring out what to do once you decide to jump in and get involved.
The Knowledge Hub is designed to provide information about the party, a glossary of all the many acronyms we use, and a list of books, articles, websites, blogs, and podcasts our members have found useful and informative.
Please email if you have any ideas to add.
Please click HERE to learn a little more about the structure of the Placer County Democratic Party
What are Members Reading? Please click HERE for a list of interesting books, blogs, websites, and podcasts
What in the world is a PAN? Please click HERE for a Guide to Placer Democratic Party Acronyms
Please click HERE for Indivisible’s, Indivisible Member Recommendations for Pro-Democracy News Sources
AADC Little Lending Library: Come check out our AADC Little Lending Library in the lobby of the HQ during our open hours. And if you have any books you’d like to donate, please email: