To help you answer that question, and others, here’s a list of widely used acronyms you’ll hear at meetings and events. The additional information provided is taken from the California, Placer County, and National Party websites and Bylaws.
For additions and corrections, please email:
Acronym |
Name |
Information |
Auburn Area Democratic Club |
Auburn Democrats; Auburn Dems |
One of Placer County’s chartered Democratic Clubs. A chartered club has fulfilled (and maintains) certain requirements set forth in the California Democratic Party’s Bylaws to obtain chartered status. |
Assembly District Delegate |
ADEM Delegate |
Assembly District Delegates (ADD) are a class of delegates to the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC). They are elected by registered Democrats who register to vote in the ADEM election. The Assembly District corresponds to the Assembly District in which the delegate resides. |
Assembly District Election Meeting |
The California Democratic Party Bylaws (Article VI) provide that an Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMS) be held in each of the 22 CDP (California Democratic Party) Regions in February of each odd-numbered year to elect 7 “self-identified female” and 7 “other than self-identified female” to be Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) to represent the Assembly District they are registered in. These elections are open to all California Democrats. |
California Democratic Party |
The Party; State Party; State Committee |
A catchall phrase for the party. It is often pronounced one of two ways: ca-DEM or KAY-dem. See also: DCSS |
California Democratic Party |
The Party; State Party; State Committee |
A catchall phrase for the party. See also DCSS |
CE |
Community Engagement Committee |
Refers to the Community Engagement Committee of the Placer County Central Committee |
Campaign Services Committee |
Refers to the Campaign Services Committee of the Placer County Central Committee |
Democratic Central Committee |
Depends on the context of the conversation or communication. |
Democratic State Central Committee |
The Party; State Party; State Committee |
This Committee elects state officers of the Party and members of the Democratic National Committee, adopts a State Party platform in gubernatorial years and may adopt a proposed national platform in presidential election years, conducts campaigns for the party and its candidates for public office, appoints committees and employ staff as deemed desirable, and conducts such other business as the policy and program of the Party may require. |
Democratic National Committee |
National Committee |
The Democratic National Committee, or DNC, was created during the Democratic National Convention of 1848, and is governed by its Charter and Bylaws. For 171 years, it’s been responsible for governing the Democratic Party and is the oldest continuing party committee in the United States. Under the leadership of Chair Jaime Harrison, the DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 57 states and the territories. |
Get Out the Vote |
Get out the vote efforts are generally divided into two categories: 1) Voter registration and voter encouragement; and 2) targeted partisan efforts to encourage voters to vote a certain way. This includes canvassing, mailers, and phone banking. |
Placer Action Network |
One of Placer County’s chartered Democratic Clubs. A chartered club has fulfilled (and maintains) certain requirements set forth in the California Democratic Party’s Bylaws to obtain chartered status. |
Placer County Democratic Central Committee |
Placer Dems; Central Committee (used by those who live within the county) |
The Placer County Democratic Party (PCDP) coordinates the party’s activities throughout the county, making endorsements, organizing events and directing resources to support local, state, and national candidates and initiatives. It is charged under state law with overseeing the Party’s local activities and campaigns and is duly chartered by the California Democratic Party. See also: PCDP |
Placer County Democratic Party |
The Party (if talking about county party issues); Placer Dems; Central Committee (used by those who live within the county) |
The Placer County Democratic Party (PCDP) coordinates the party’s activities throughout the county, making endorsements, organizing events and directing resources to support local, state, and national candidates and initiatives. It is charged under state law with overseeing the Party’s local activities and campaigns and is duly chartered by the California Democratic Party. See also: PCDCC |
Party Leader and Elected Officials |
Party leader and Elected Officials (PLEO) a class of delegates to the Democratic Central Committee. This class of delegates include party leaders, statewide and legislative elected officials (democrats who won the primary but did not win the general election are also included in the class), and others. |
Placer Women Democrats |
Women Dems |
One of Placer County’s chartered Democratic Clubs. A chartered club has fulfilled (and maintains) certain requirements set forth in the California Democratic Party’s Bylaws to obtain chartered status. |