On Sunday, August 18, AADC held our Grand Opening for our new 2024 Election Headquarters Building. Located at 161 Palm Ave, Suite 9, in Auburn, it’s a great space for our organization, with many rooms of all sizes.
Our Headquarters will be open Monday through Thursday from 10am to 4pm, and Friday through Sunday, from 11am to 5pm. All are welcome!
Our grand opening was very well attended. It was organized by our very effective Headquarters Team of Gail Bartlow, Charlie Riley, Leslie Moonshine, and Sandy Floyd.
In addition, Luann Wellborn organized the decorations for most of the rooms in a delightful fashion! Sally Laporta was very helpful! She greeted guests as they arrived and made name tags for everyone. She also made great signs for the different rooms, to help members identify the plans for how the room would be used, and she also contributed beautiful stars hanging from the ceilings in many of the rooms.
Great Chinese food was donated by Happy Wok Restaurant, always a wonderful supporter with great food offerings. Members Pat Ferguson, Gail Bartlow, Leslie Moonshine, Sandy Floyd, and Charlie Riley all generously donated wonderful food and drinks. Our HQ is so big, we were able to have a special room just for all the food. (And there’s a kitchen!) As you can imagine, this was a well-attended room!
Here are a few photos, more to come, so please check back!!