Join the Auburn Area Democratic Club
We are a club chartered by the Placer County Democratic Central Committee, which is a part of California Democratic Party.
Annual membership is from July 1st to June 30th, but you can join at any time. Members have voting rights, and must renew their membership yearly. For more information on membership, please visit our Bylaws page.
Students $10
Basic Membership $25
Kennedy Level $50*
Roosevelt Level $100*
Jefferson Level $250*
Lifetime Membership $500 (One Time Payment)*
*Please consider leveling up your membership to help support the AADC’s efforts within our community. This includes supporting our voter outreach and Get Out the Vote efforts, our Alliance for Environmental Leadership program, our HQ, and our educational speaker series on progressive issues at our monthly meetings.
To Join:
ONLINE: Please click HERE to fill out our membership form and to use your credit card to pay dues, or paste this link into your browser:
CHECK: Please click HERE to fill out our membership form, and then send your check (made payable to AADC) to this address:
P.O. Box 6851
Auburn, CA 95604