By Pat Ferguson, Indivisible Auburn
Are you looking to do something that doesn’t require meeting or phoning people you don’t know? Or are you canvassing already and want to add an activity that you can do at home in your “free time?” Here are some options for you.
Neva Parker has a postcarding program going on. She has preprinted postcards so that you just write a short script. The postcards come in packs of 25 and are available in the AADC office or by contacting her campaign.
Indivisible Auburn and AADC are doing Vote Forward letters that go to infrequent voters in targeted races. Sometimes it is to a congressional race, but in every case the race is a toss-up that can be tipped by getting out the vote. Several of these toss-up congressional races in California.
There are two scheduled dates when we are writing these letters in the AADC office: September 13, 1-2:30 and September 23, 1-2:30. Other dates will be added. There will be packets of letters available in the Indivisible Auburn Resistance Box at the AADC office. You can pick them up during office hours, complete them, and return them to the office to be mailed in October. You can also set up your own Vote Forward account and get your own letter templates and do them on your own. Here is the link of you would like to do them on your own.
Activate America also has postcard programs available Activate America provides scripts and addresses in targeted, toss-up races. Several of these races are for Caliornia congressional seats. You can contact them here.
Indivisible Auburn wants to thank all of the volunteers who worked on the latest voter registration postcard project. Volunteers committed to writing over 11,000 postcards to encourage unregistered residents of CA 03 to register to vote.