(This article was inspired by Heather Cox Richardson, a brilliant historian and writer. Dr. Richardson teaches at Boston College, publishes a daily newsletter and a podcast, and she has written several books.)
Your head aches from reviewing the drama that Trump has created. Your stomach hurts. Stop right now.
All the Executive Orders all the firings of good people, all the disruption and drama are deliberately designed to make people afraid. Trump doesn’t have a plan (or a clue) about how to govern; he is just breaking things. That’s what bullies do.
It’s time to stop reacting to him and his antics. If you are reacting, you can’t change the conversation. If you are stuck because you are reeling from the onslaught of Trump’s actions, you won’t have the strength and focus to make progress.
Remember how Trump bullied Joe Biden during the infamous debate last June? That technique is called the Gish Gallop. It is a style of arguing by using so many different statements so quickly that one’s opponent cannot possibly respond to them even when the statements are outrageous lies.
Let’s analyze the situation. First, there is a lot of power sloshing around Washington, D.C. The president is powerful, but not compared to all the institutions, laws, and established government organizations. It actually took Hitler a long time to destroy the German democracy before he was able to become a total dictator. In a nutshell, people did not resist while he methodically chipped away at their rights, until it was too late.
Second, although Trump claims that he won the election in a landslide, he didn’t. More people voted for other presidential candidates than for Trump. Also, voter suppression and gerrymandering significantly reduced the votes for Kamala Harris. Furthermore, Trump’s majorities in the House and the Senate are very thin. Elon Musk literally bought the presidency for Trump.
Third, the Republican Party is fractured. The oligarchs, the Tech Bros, the Proud Boys, the anti-abortionists, the conservatives, the racists, the blue-collar workers, and the Evangelical Christians all want different things from the administration. Trump is neither a conservative (one who wants to preserve what we have while keeping government as small as possible) nor a populist (one who fights against the power of elites). Trump only ran for president so that he could stay out of jail. He doesn’t actually care about abortion or Christianity or healthcare; he just wants to be “important.” Only about 14 senators actually like him, but the others support his bizarre actions for fear of losing their jobs and money for their pet projects.
Fourth, Trump is a wreck. He cannot form a coherent sentence, his health is shaky, and he reacts to situations (i.e. starting a fight with Columbia), rather than trying to resolve them. There is considerable speculation about his declining intellectual capacity.
What can we do? First, remember that we live in a democracy. The government is funded with your tax dollars, and you have a right to say how those tax dollars should be spent. Select one or two issues that you care about, such as cancer research, rights for people with disabilities, climate change, public schools, medical research, or whatever touches your heart. Research the topic and write a letter to the editor and/or carry a protest sign. With a group of friends, organize visits to your local elected representatives in their offices. Face-to-face conversations are much more powerful than emails. Make sure that the facts get noticed!
Second, support honest media. Subscribe and make small monthly donations. Citizen communications are powerful.
Third, work or volunteer at the state and local level. This will be a grassroots revolution. Join organizations that are working to defend democracy. Make connections. Find friends to share inspiration and ideas!
Fourth, protect your health. We are living in what a famous Chinese proverb called “interesting times,” but we should not make ourselves sick with worry. Take time off. Remember to find the joy in life. Try new things. Learn new things. Protect your sense of humor. You are not alone!