By Rosalie Wohlfromm
After reading about Louisiana mandating that the Ten Commandments be posted on the walls in each classroom in the state, I had two thoughts.
First, according to the rankings of education by states, Louisiana comes in at #49 in higher education and #40 in K-12. Does their legislature think that posting the commandments will improve these numbers? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to save the money and put it towards school supplies, paying teachers more, etc. My feeling is that children know the Ten Commandments by the time they go to school, and most try to adhere to them.
My second thought was that Louisiana being a red state, their populace will be voting Republican, thus voting for a man who does not adhere to most of the commandments. (I’d say all of them if I could blame him alone for the millions who died from COVID during his administration.) He certainly has committed adultery, stolen, lied, and coveted other women. And he also considers himself a god of sorts.
As a Catholic, I cannot understand how seemingly good Christians can support this man. I have spoken with quite a few people who can’t (or won’t) tell me why they will vote for him. These are people who used to believe in law and order, who believed that if someone committed a crime, they should be punished. Why they want him, a convicted felon, to be the leader of our county is something I cannot fathom.